What is your job IELTS answer | What is your job IELTS sample answer

Question: what is your job?

Sample Answer 01: 

I am a teacher and teach mathematics and science to primary school students. I think it's a great job. I meet lots of people every day and get to know different things. It is very exciting to see the baby's activity. Some students obey orders, others do what they like, and some do exactly the opposite. It's fun, exciting, and challenging at the same time.

Sample Answer 02; 

I am a travel blogger and share different scenes and stories on my website. It's about traveling the world as cheaply as possible, making friends along the way, meeting new people, and learning about all the cultures around the world. So, my website has interviews with local people who share local stories with me and how they think about life. I love traveling to know different people and their lives.

What is your job IELTS answer?

Sample Answer 03: 

I am currently working as a nurse at one of the most reputable medical clinics in London city. I have been working there for about four years. Every day I meet different patients and create an opportunity to build a good relationship with them. I love my work.

Sample Answer 04: 

I currently work as an office manager at a multinational company. I have been working for about five years now. I am usually hired to work with a specific business to improve its sales through various marketing strategies.

What is your job IELTS answer

What is your job IELTS answer?

Sample Answer 05: 

I am a software engineer working for one of the most popular IT companies in New York. My main roles include managing, designing, developing network systems, and installing software in the correct operating system.

Sample Answer 06: 

I am an entrepreneur and own a store in New York City. We sell computer hardware components to other dealers and customers. Now, we are a team of fifty people working from two centers. We sell our products through an online platform. People can order products using the internet on our website. We opened our second center just a few years ago, and soon we will expand our business by opening a branch in a nearby town. Also, we are planning to launch custom products to attract more customers.

Would you like to change your job in the future?

Answer: Yes, as I said before, I like to work on my own, so I want to be my own boss. I am currently building my own website, so if it succeeds, I will leave the IT company and work full time in my business. This will give me more time to work on other projects.

Answer: Well, that's not something I'm thinking about right now because I enjoy what I do, and It is a great company to work with. Salary is good, and they have other good benefits like Flexi-Time and End of Year Bonus. But that said, change is always a good thing, so I can’t see myself staying there forever. I'm sure I will change one day.

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