Top 10 English Phrases for Giving Directions

Giving directions is an essential part of communication, especially for travelers who are not familiar with the area. Whether you're a local or a tourist, being able to give and receive directions in English can be extremely helpful. In this article, we will go over the top 10 English phrases for giving directions.

Here are the top 10 English Phrases for Giving Directions:

  1. Go straight
  2. Turn left/right
  3. Take a left/right
  4. Keep going
  5. Take a U-turn
  6. It's on your left/right
  7. You'll see it on the corner
  8. Cross the street
  9. Go down/up this street:
  10. You're getting closer
Top 10 English Phrases for Giving Directions

1. Go straight: 

One of the most common phrases used to give directions is "go straight." This phrase means that the person should continue moving forward without turning.

2. Turn left/right: 

If you want to give specific directions, you can use the phrase "turn left" or "turn right" depending on the direction you want the person to go.

3. Take a left/right: 

If there is an upcoming intersection, you can suggest that the person turns in a specific direction by using the phrase "take a left" or "take a right."

4. Keep going: 

Similar to "go straight," the phrase "keep going" indicates that the person should continue moving forward without stopping or turning.

5. Take a U-turn: 

If the person has passed their destination or taken a wrong turn, you can suggest that they turn around and go back in the opposite direction by saying "take a U-turn."

6. It's on your left/right: 

If the destination is located on the left or right side of the street, you can use the phrase "it's on your left" or "it's on your right" to guide the person.

7. You'll see it on the corner: 

If the destination is located at the corner of the street, you can suggest that the person looks for it there by saying "you'll see it on the corner."

8. Cross the street: 

If the destination is located on the other side of the street, you can tell the person to "cross the street" to get there.

9. Go down/up this street: 

If the destination is located on the same street, you can indicate the direction of the street by saying "go down this street" or "go up this street."

10. You're getting closer: 

To encourage the person that they are nearing their destination, you can say "you're getting closer" to provide them with a sense of progress.

These top 10 English phrases for giving directions are useful for both locals and tourists. By learning and using these phrases, you can make it easier for others to navigate and find their way. Remember to speak slowly and clearly to ensure that the person can understand your directions, and always be polite and helpful.

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